Pharmaceutical Accountability Foundation

Recent News

Human Rights/Global health researcher

Vacancy: Human rights/global health researcherThe Pharmaceutical Accountability Foundation is looking for a motivated part-time researcher to develop the methodology for a Fair Pharma Cancer Scorecard....

The Lancet on the PAF AbbVie case: AbbVie to face potentially groundbreaking case over Humira

The Lancet interviewed the chair of the Pharmaceutical Accountability Foundation (Wilbert Bannenberg) about the recent verdict of the Amsterdam Court moving the case to the...

PRESS RELEASE: Lawsuit against AbbVie for abuse of economic dominance and violation of human rights moves to substantive phase

AbbVie's Humira pricing policy drained up to €1.2 billion from the Dutch healthcare system AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS: Today the Amsterdam District Court ruled that the lawsuit filed...

The Pharmaceutical Accountability Foundation faces AbbVie in Court for the first time in its Humira pricing case

AMSTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS: In February of 2023, the Pharmaceutical Accountability Foundation (PAF) brought a lawsuit against the company on the grounds that AbbVie had abused...

“Six billion people have access to medicines today. So a lot has been achieved”

Wilbert Bannenberg, Chair of the Pharmaceutical Accountability Foundation, was interviewed by the Volkskrant on his life's work: promoting global equitable access to medicines. The article...

AbbVie tries to escape accountability for overcharging the Dutch healthcare system by 1.2 billion Euros

AMSTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS: In February of 2023, the Pharmaceutical Accountability Foundation (PAF) brought a lawsuit against the company on the grounds that AbbVie had abused...


Cases and Case Studies

We investigate when companies may have charged excessive prices for medicines, and may bring cases if malfeasance is found.

Legal Guidelines for Public Health

Our most up-to-date information on how to use the law to ensure fair medicines prices.

Fair Pharma Scorecard

The Scorecard ranks pharmaceutical companies that made Covid-19 vaccines and therapuetics on how well their policies and practices reflect a commitment to human rights principles.