Tag: Fair Pricing
The Lancet on the PAF AbbVie case: AbbVie to face potentially groundbreaking case over Humira
Wilbert Bannenberg -
The Lancet interviewed the chair of the Pharmaceutical Accountability Foundation (Wilbert Bannenberg) about the recent verdict of the Amsterdam Court moving the case to the substantive issues. The court instructed AbbVie to answer on the PAF subpoena by 22 January 2025. PAF is very proud of our principle case...
Martina Liccardo’s take on the role of the European Medicine Agency in Leadiant’s price misuse with CDCA
FtV Projectcoordinator -
As an international student I have always sought out opportunities to meet local people and to broaden my personal and professional network.
When provided with the occasion, I did not hesitate to write my master's thesis in partnership with the Pharmaceutical Accountability Foundation as I was sure it would be...
Find the original (Dutch) article here.
Gerard Schouw responded on April 21 to the column by Marcel Levi, who two weeks earlier called for people to stop wasting money on excessively priced medicines. Schouw blames Levi for a flawed analysis and claims to refute this with figures: 'The share...
Licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0), The Pharmaceutical Accountability Foundation 2022